lipids kya hai

                                          LIPID( FAT)
  The name lipid derived from greak word LIPOS means fat …
Lipids are the hetrogeneses group of copound which are the ester of fatty acids .
Lipids represent most important storage form of energy insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents  such as chloroform benzen etc……….
The most important role of lipids is as fuel….
Lipids functions as the medium and soures of fat soluble vitamins (ADEK) means vit. A, vit .D,vit.E,vit .K……
 Fat may also provides padding to protect internal organs ..
Lipids (phaspholipid ) act as ideal barrier in  between extra and intra cellular fluid ….
Lipids functions as the insulators of internal organs of the body ..
Lipids are the consitituent of membrane structure and regulate the membrane permeability…

FAT/ OLIS = these  are ester of fatty acids with geresrol…..
The defference between fat and oil only physical .
Thus oil is liquid while fat is a solid at roomtemp..
WAXES  =- these are ester of fatty acid with alcohol other than gleresrol ..
These alcohol may be aliphatic and alicyclic  EXAMPLE – cetyl alcohol …..
These mainly three types as following ………
A= phospholipid…..
B= glycolipids ………..
C= lipoprotein ………
D= other complex lipids ….
A= phospholipdis =  they contain phosphoric acid and frequentional  a nitrogenes base….
EXAMPLE =   glyesophospholipid , sphingophospholipid
B= GLYCOLIPIDS= these lipids contain a fatty  acid , carbohydrates and notrogenes base

C= LIPOPROTEINS = macro molecular complexes of lipids with proteins ..
D= OTHER COMPLEX LIPID =- sulpho lipids , amenolipids and lipopolysaccharides membrane of this class….

3= DERIVED LIPIDS = these are lipids derived from simple and compound lipid by hydrolysis …
4= MISCELLANEOUS LIPID = large number of compound represent charterstics of lipids
EXAMPLE =  cartenoids . squalene . terpenes . etc

