function of liver and short description of liver

It is largest gland of   in the body . it is reddish in color . highly vascular and weight about 2.5 kg in adults ..
Ø     Position  
It occupies the right hypochondrium and extends into the epigastrium and left hypochondrium ..
Ø     Shape
Ø it is wedge shaped .it has an apex , lase or right lateral surface and anterior , superior and inferior surface …
Ø     Labes
Anatomical , liver has two lobes a , large right lobe and a smaller left lobe ,they are separated from each other by the line of attachment of the falcifrom ligament , the fissure for liqamentum venosum and by qroove for ligamantum teres
(the ground ligament of liver )
Ø     Quadrate
It is seen on the inferior surface of the right lobe ..
Ø     Caudate
   It is chiefly on the positerior  surface ..
   It has a short  tail- like entension –the cavdate process of the right lobe ..
Ø     Organ associated with liver
Superiorly and anteriorly --- diaphragm and anterior abdominal …
Inferiorly --- stomach , bile ducts duodenum ,hepatic flexure of colon . right kidney anwadrenal gland .
Posteriorly esophagus ,inferior vena cava , aorta gall bladder , vertebral colum and diaphragm …
Laterally --- lower ribs and diaphragm ..
Blood supply ….
Liver gets blood from two sources …
ü Hepatic artery
ü Portal vein
Function of liver
ü Hemopoeisis in fetus…
ü Defence of body by kupffer cell ….
ü Destruction of old RBCS ….
ü Secretion of bile …..
ü Storage of glycogen , aminoacids and vit. B12 . A.E.D….
ü Excretion of cholesterol and bile pigments ….

It is largest gland of   in the body . it is reddish in color . highly vascular and weight about 2.5 kg in adults ..
Ø     Position  
It occupies the right hypochondrium and extends into the epigastrium and left hypochondrium ..
Ø     Shape
Ø it is wedge shaped .it has an apex , lase or right lateral surface and anterior , superior and inferior surface …
Ø     Labes
Anatomical , liver has two lobes a , large right lobe and a smaller left lobe ,they are separated from each other by the line of attachment of the falcifrom ligament , the fissure for liqamentum venosum and by qroove for ligamantum teres
(the ground ligament of liver )
Ø     Quadrate
It is seen on the inferior surface of the right lobe ..
Ø     Caudate
   It is chiefly on the positerior  surface ..
   It has a short  tail- like entension –the cavdate process of the right lobe ..
Ø     Organ associated with liver
Superiorly and anteriorly --- diaphragm and anterior abdominal …
Inferiorly --- stomach , bile ducts duodenum ,hepatic flexure of colon . right kidney anwadrenal gland .
Posteriorly esophagus ,inferior vena cava , aorta gall bladder , vertebral colum and diaphragm …
Laterally --- lower ribs and diaphragm ..
Blood supply ….
Liver gets blood from two sources …
ü Hepatic artery
ü Portal vein
Function of liver
ü Hemopoeisis in fetus…
ü Defence of body by kupffer cell ….
ü Destruction of old RBCS ….
ü Secretion of bile …..
ü Storage of glycogen , aminoacids and vit. B12 . A.E.D….
ü Excretion of cholesterol and bile pigments ….

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